About Us
Soul Path Therapy services started 15 years ago by spiritual medical healer & counsellor, Maryanna Faghihnia. Based in Vancouver British Columbia, we offer a combination of western science and eastern spirituality. The interventions have come as a result of Maryanna's 27 years of studying, travelling, researching and learning.
Soul Path helps you awaken to your highest potential, whether you need clarity, and/or emotional, spiritual and physical healing. By reading your energy Soul Path can pinpoint the source of your misalignment and help you realigning energetically, discovering an authentic relationship with yourself.
Our mission is to provide the only healing needed for those who want to explore the mystic and safe journey to the deepest core of their true selves. Soul Path is now proudly offering products online, with international shipping, as well as continuing it's unique individualized sessions and services for those seeking to discover the wonderful benefits of Soul Path Therapy.